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A Huge Gamble

I'm not much of a gambler. In fact, the one time I did venture to Vegas, I lost way more than I won, which isn't saying much. But, about two years ago I threw the dice in my own life – I left a very stable job with a high income for the unsure territory of entrepreneur-ism. The fact I was nine months pregnant at the time didn't do much to calm my nerves. 

I tell a lot of people that decision was like jumping off a cruise ship in the middle of the ocean. It's a perfectly good ship. It floats; has all the comforts one needs to survive the voyage. Still, if you want to know what else is out there, sometimes you have to take a deep breath and dive in. 

That's what I did when I launched BCreative in January 2007. So far, it's been quite an adventure, with some very very good times and very scary ones. From one month to the next, I'm not sure if I'll make enough money to help with the household expenses. But on the other hand, I spend every moment possible with my two growing boys. 

In the end, it doesn't really matter how much money I make. Or even if BCreative sinks or swims. What matters is, when I look back, I can say I took a plunge that enhanced my kids' lives and showed me just what I was made of. 

During this blog, I'm going to share insights into my daily struggle of balancing home-based work and life. I'll talk about what life is like when a spouse travels two nights a week, sometimes making it imperative that I learn how to fix a leaky faucet on the fly. I'll also talk about my experiences with the fantastic nonprofits I am blessed to call clients. 

I hope you'll check in from time to time to learn from my hard-earned experience. I'll say this much – no matter how you look at it, the water's fine! 


  1. I don't think you will ever regret the gamble. We miss you in some of the old circles, but it's great to pursue your dreams.

  2. Miranda,

    Letting go of the ledge is exactly what many successful women do! Passion and determination are key tools that you definitely have on this journey.
    Melanie Johnson


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