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An Exciting Time to Be a Christian

Watching my facebook feeds, you would think the sky was falling as of late. With everything from gay marriage to abortion to racial slurs being front page news, my Christian friends are nearly in tears. They fear for their country, their faith and the moral state of the world their children are growing up in. And I understand that fear, but I don't necessarily agree. Instead, I think this is an exciting time to be a Christian. Let me explain ...

Everyone seems so angry, so discontent. Wasn't this exactly the same environment into which our beloved Savior was born? The world where he came to live out his 30 years was fraught with turmoil of every kind, including homosexuality, racial unrest, dissent among nations, wars, famine, waste. Yet, this is when He was working miracles ... both figuratively and literally. Why, then, should we run for the hills?

My dear Christian friends are kind and generous to others. Yet, I find that as modern day Christians, we shrink from that which we do not understand. We consider it an assault to our way of life, our fundamental beliefs, therefore it should be banished from our existence. Should we encourage homsoxuality as a marital choice? Not necessarily. Should we become proponents for the easy choices, those that appease those making the most noise? Not at all.

At times like these, though, it is good for us to remember how Jesus lived. It's believed that his conversations with the woman at the well took place over a period of several different visits. He didn't shrink from her. Instead, he was kind and gracious, thus making a bold statement. He was told to ignore the crippled in the streets clamoring for his attention, the children in need of a kind word, the lepers in need of a gentle touch. Yet, he did just the opposite. His choice? To love without judgment.

Let's consider a moment the adulterous woman who was thrown at his feet. Did he condemn her? Did he hold up posters claiming she was to be thrown into the pit of hell for her actions? No. He was instead silent, letting the mob do their shouting. Until they, too, were quieted. His calm manner cooled the situation, then he delt with the woman in a gentle loving way.

Dear fellow Christians, this is an exciting time to be people of faith. For it is during these tumultuous times that we can show others what our Lord stood for. We can also mess this up royally should we let fear take hold and use it to fashion arrows to use against others. I emplor you to stop. Pray. And go forth as Jesus did, in a spirit of love, grace and kindness. As He showed time and again, these are the best stepping stones toward reaching people for Him.


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