Dear Christian Ministers of all Denominations, I cried myself to sleep last night. Again. I made the mistake of reading an account of the atrocities being heaped upon the Christians in the middle-east, namely 250 young Christian girls who had been kidnapped, forcibly gang raped and then shot ... all while jihadists video taped their abuse. Beyond turning my stomach, this grieved my spirit. I sobbed for them, for their mothers, for their families, who are most likely displaced and starving in the desert, if they had survived the attacks at all. And all because they subscribe to a religion that preaches kindness, love, tolerance, peace and self-sacrifice. Now, before I get comments citing the Crusades, etc., I'm speaking solely to the teachings of Christ, who we swear to try our hardest to emulate as His followers. He teaches us to "love one another." Even our enemies, which these days is hard. As Christians are slaughtered on one side of the globe, right here i...
Miranda Bradley is a master juggler. Of life, that is. Owner of BCreative, a marketing firm in Georgetown, Texas, Miranda is, at any given time, cooking with one hand, typing with another, hugging one of her two children with her elbow, signing permission slips with pen-to-mouth, holding a speaker phone conversation and making dinner, all at the same time. And she is usually wearing pearls and a circle skirt, looking fabulous as always. Okay, maybe not the last part, but the rest is true ...